Create a new account

Personal data

First name:*
Last name:*
(please complete with diacritics)
If you do not wish to reveal your personal information for each new meeting, you may agree to keep it for an indefinite period. If you do not give permission, your account will be deleted after the meeting.

Login credentials

(The e-mail address is also your username. It can be changed by sending a request to the administrator.)
Password again:*
(to change the password, put the new password into both password fields)

Information about personal data processing

By making a registration you enter a contract relationship with Vereniging Mensa Nederland. In order to provide the service, Vereniging Mensa Nederland, Horapark 9, 6717 LZ Ede, processes and retains above mentioned personal data. Detailed information about how we process and retain your data and what are your rights, can be found at privacystatement and at conditions.

You should always enter only your own data into the form. If you are entering data of someone close to you, make sure to enter the data only with previous consent from the person. Be aware, that in such a case you are responsible for informing the person about the conditions of the event and about use of their personal data.